Chicago Bid News And Commentary
The International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) chose Rio - Congratulations Rio!

Senator McCain Senator Obama And The Chicago 2016 Bid

 Beijing London Chicago Association  (Chicago, IL): Mayor Richard M. Daley, currently, is the 2nd longest serving Mayor in Chicago history. Due to such experience, he probably knows, at least, a little about what Chicago needs, what he wants as Mayor, and how to get both. Mayor Daley, apparently, feels a successful 2016 Olympics bid, and, assuming victory, a successful 2016 Olympics, requires bipartisan help.

In other words, Chicago 2016 will need bipartisan assistance to, presumptively, win 2016 Olympics hosting privileges, and Chicago will need bipartisan assistance in carrying out a 2016 Olympics. This is why it came as no surprise, in the wake of Senator Barack Obama's appearance at a Chicago 2016 rally, Friday, when Mayor Daley stressed the importance of the bipartisan support Chicago 2016 enjoys.

“We have commitments from both Senator Obama and Senator McCain in regards to Chicago hosting the Olympics. The ... [White House] administration ... [has] a committee working with us in regards to our ... proposal ...”

And, Mayor Daley has not hesitated to seek out, both, democrats and republicans, with regard to Chicago 2016's efforts. Last month, a group of mayors, including Mayor Daley, sat down with Senator McCain over the issue of foreign tourist travel restrictions put in place after Sept. 11, 2001. Mayor Daley, along with other proponents of a Chicago Olympics in 2016, is hoping to convince the U.S. government that such restrictions should be relaxed in order not to diminish the attractiveness of a Chicago 2016 Olympics, in the eyes of the IOC.

Speaking for Senator McCain, Tucker Bounds said, “there is no question that John McCain strongly supports and believes in bringing the ... [Olympics] to the United States. It's an excellent way for us to highlight our culture and our values for the world.”

However, Bounds added, “John McCain very much values taxpayers' money and has made a career of overseeing the responsible use of taxpayer dollars.” That statement may be a caution that, consistent with his actions in 2002, when he initiated a formal inquiry into federal spending for the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, Senator McCain has long held, firm, views on the appropriate role of the U.S. Government in any Olympics. A view that may not always reconcile with the fervor with which state and local government may pursue the privilege of hosting an Olympics.

As for Senator Obama, he is a Chicagoan who may feel the need to "give back" to the city where, in many ways, he has, so far, spent the most important and productive years of his life. So, the fact that Senator Obama videotaped a message presented, by Chicago 2016, to the USOC when they arrived, last year, to evaluate Chicago, to many, may just seem like part of his duty. Judging from statements Senator Obama has made, he certainly seems to feel "ownership" in Chicago's successes and a responsibility to help Chicago advance.

“Bringing the Olympics to Chicago will be a capstone of the success that we've had over the last couple of decades in transforming Chicago to become not just a great American city but a great world city.” - Senator Obama

“It's a good time to be in Chicago. The White Sox are winning. The Cubs are winning. And Chicago's going to win the 2016 Olympics.” - Senator Obama

“In 2016, I'll be wrapping up my second term as president, so I can't think of a better way than to be marching into Washington Park alongside Mayor Daley, alongside Rahm Emanuel, alongside Dick Durbin, alongside Valerie Jarrett as President of the United States, and announcing ['Let the games begin!'] to the world...” - Senator Obama

There is a good possiblitity that Mr. McCain or Mr. Obama, Obama or McCain, will be the next U.S. President. There is also some possibility that Mr. McCain or Mr. Obama, Obama or McCain, will call the White House home in 2016 regardless of the identity of the next U.S. President. In other words, Mr. McCain or Mr. Obama, Obama or McCain, may lose the November 2008 election, but run again, and win next time. Or Mr. McCain or Mr. Obama, Obama or McCain, may win the next two U.S. Presidential elections.

Whether it is McCain or Obama, Obama or McCain, living in the White House, in 2016, some will, no doubt, conclude that whoever wins the November 2008 U.S. Presidential elections, McCain or Obama, Obama or McCain, will have the most influence over whether or not Mayor Richard M. Daley gets what he wants, this time.

This news story is: McCain Obama And The Chicago 2016 Olympics J2MS9

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